10 Types of Digital Offers You Can Sell as a Beauty or Wellness Expert


Welcome to the Compel & Convert Podcast blog! In each episode, you'll find insights on how to take your service-based, in-person expertise and successfully bridge it into an online-based brand that stands out in the digital marketplace.
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Hi, I'm Danielle

When you think of a digital product, what’s the first thing that pops into your brain? 🧠 

My guess is “online course”.

Am I right?! 

(Because we’re on opposite sides of the screen, I’ll assume yes.)

The reason for that assumption is because online courses have had their heyday in the digital product space and are often talked about as the “top” or “number one” way to put your expertise into a digital asset you can sell. 

No shade to online courses (I love them and have bought many!), but they’re not the end all, be all of digital products. 

When it comes to creating a product that helps your ideal customer to achieve their desired transformation as well as convey your expertise in a concrete way, there are plenty of other formats to explore! 🧭

In Episode 3 of Compel & Convert’s Season 1 series all about funnels, I’m giving you an overview and breakdown of 10 different types of digital product offers that are most conducive for your beauty and wellness expertise, plus my insights and tips around choosing the best style of offer for you. 

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • Why it’s critical that you get clear on your offer format and strategy before building out your sales funnel 
  • The 10 types of digital product offers that are most conducive for beauty and wellness experts 
  • The pros and cons of various types of offers and the common elements they consist of
  •  Key things to consider when choosing what type of offer is the best fit for your audience, you and your business

References mentioned in this episode:

  • Try Voxer – a walkie-talkie style voice-based communication app 
  • Get the Offer Cure workshop* to go deep on crafting your irresistible offer (P.S. – this is an affiliate link – I LOVE this workshop and utilize these tools in my client work, I swear by it and wouldn’t promote it otherwise

Read the Transcript for Season 1, Episode 3 – 10 Types of Digital Offers You Can Sell as a Beauty or Wellness Expert

Hey there and welcome back to the. Compel and Convert podcast, episode three. In season one, if you haven’t listened to episodes one and two, you’re going to hear me say this at the beginning of every episode because every episode stacks on each other. So if you haven’t listened to episodes one or two and you’re like, oh, funnels, interesting concepts or, oh, I’ve been wanting to learn more about this. I really lay the groundwork and each episode builds upon itself.

So it might be helpful to listen to those first. But today in episode three, I’m going to be talking all about offers. So just focusing specifically on the offer, which in the last episode, just as a very quick recap, I talked about how you have to start with the end in mind in terms of you have to understand your offer, what you’re actually selling in order to build out all the different components of your funnel. 

So in reality, you should be, you know, if you’re looking at the chicken or the egg, which comes first, it’s the offer, because you have to be super clear on the offer in order to create anything related to the funnel. Because what type of funnel you choose, the copy for the funnel, the design, the look, the feel, the entire journey of the funnel is going to be dependent on what your offer is because you want to essentially create this pathway that just perfectly brings someone to your offer.

And if you’re creating those out of order where you’re like, well, just build the funnel and then, like, the offer will kind of present itself. It doesn’t really work that well because often times you will do a very roundabout type of funnel that doesn’t actually get someone to your offer efficiently. 

So the other question, before I dive into these specific offers and I have ten different types of offers that you can build funnels around in terms of digitally based offers. Because when I use the word offer here, offer can be anything. Anything you’re selling is an offer.

You’re offering. It up for sale. I’m focusing specifically on digital based offers and products because if you’re listening to this podcast, you are someone who possesses a certain type of expertise, likely in the beauty or wellness niche, because that is who I focus on and work with. And if you aren’t in that niche, but you found yourself anyways, that’s okay, everyone’s. Welcome here.

And I’m happy you’re here with me. But essentially, if you have any sort of deep and rich expertise and you’re wanting to expand your marketability or the overall people that you can market to and you want to get out of just your local community because maybe you own a brick and mortar studio spa or a salon, or you’re an in person personal trainer and you want to expand into the online world so that you’re really able to earn more impact, more people. 

All of those things, digital based offers are going to be your best way of doing that. So the next thing that you want to consider is who is your audience? So you’re extending into the online world, but your audience that you’ve been serving with your expertise, maybe with in person clients and customers, may not actually be the same audience that you would be serving online.

You might be pivoting into more of a B to B type of digitally based business. Maybe you’re a salon owner who wants to start teaching technique or and actually, I know someone on Instagram who she’s truly an artist in every sense of the word with her hair coloring techniques. And she’s developed a line of products that she sells via Ecommerce. 

But she also has mentioned that she’s going to start teaching her techniques to other hairstylists in her online based membership program. That’s one of the things I’m going to talk about in terms of the different types of offers.

But just so you know, the audience that you’re serving in your actual in person expertise doesn’t have to be the same thing that you’re creating a digital product around. So focus on are you sticking with B to C, business to consumer, or are you pivoting into business to business where you’re going to teach other people what you’re an expert in? 

All right, so let’s dive into the top ten types of digital products that you can be crafting as your offer that you’re going to build your funnel for. And again, you need to have this offer clear first. So first is a workshop.

Now, a workshop could be something you do live via Zoom, and then it’s something that you can then turn into an evergreen product. So that’s one thing that as I’m giving you these kind of offer ideas and formats, think about how some of these can be passive eventually. 

They may not start that way, but they can go that way. And also just a quick little asterisk on that note, passive. Whenever you hear me say the word passive, and I’m using air quotes here, nothing is ever truly passive, every single type of business.

And yes, there are more passive ones than others, but nothing is 100% passive. You have to have some level of fulfillment and making sure that the system is still working. So, yes, something can be moved to more evergreen, which is more passive than a live conducted workshop. But you will still need to pay attention to it. You will still need to do customer support and service.

And of course, you don’t have to be the person doing that. You could hire it off and then truly make it 100% passive for yourself. But in one way, shape or form, someone has to be doing the work somewhere. Okay, so I just want to make that clear when I say the word passive, because I’ll probably say it a few times in this episode. But a workshop is something that you can do a live 1 hour workshop, teaching one specific type of concept.

And then once you have that workshop recording, that can become its own evergreen product that you resell over and over again. It doesn’t have to be live. The benefits of doing things live is that people can interact with you live, of course, and there’s an added value to that as well. So when you’re selling something, consider, okay, if I’m doing this live, it gives the opportunity for someone to have more one on one connection with me, ask questions in real time that has a certain value to it versus something that is evergreen and someone’s watching a recording. Still great value if you’re delivering great value in the content, which I always recommend.

Right. We want to sell things that give a lot of value, but those are two different styles of digital product, live and evergreen. And just as an example, I’ll give you a little example with each of these offer ideas. One workshop that I thought was a fantastic idea was a couple of makeup artists out of Idaho. I believe they created a workshop on doing camera ready makeup looks.

So they really service a lot of this is where you’ve got to know your audience. They service a lot of young women, like, in their 20s range, so they do a lot of bridal makeup. So 20s and 30s. And a lot of people have online presence. People try to be influencers and stuff these days.

So they had a lot of people that they realized wanted to have these quick makeup, camera ready looks. And then, of course, the pandemic hit. Everyone’s working from home and on a Zoom screen may not want to be doing a full face of makeup, but still want to look pulled together. Their workshop was a fantastic idea for helping people quickly understand, what do I need to do to look good when I show up on camera? And that’s something that they did live.

And then they turned into an evergreen style course. And that is actually the second idea that I have for you is you can create a course. This is what most people think of when they think of a digital product or an online based product. They think, oh, an online course. That is definitely a great option.

However, one thing that I want you to consider when you’re thinking of all these different offer ideas is a course does require a knowledge of some sort of curriculum. So that’s not to say you need to have an education background or that you need to have a certification in teaching or anything of the sort. But you do need to have an understanding of if I’m teaching a specific concept, how am I really walking someone through the journey of their transformation that they’re going to make? 

And I need to understand how to communicate each step of that journey so that they are making the full transformation or they’re on their way to making the full transformation. I’ve given them the tools and I’ve given it to them in a sequential order that makes sense for someone fully grasping the idea.

So one example, and this is a course that I’ve purchased. I purchased something called an AB rehab course and it was right after I was pregnant with my son. And I wanted to take a specific type of program that would teach me how to rehab my core after pregnancy because I was finding that post pregnancy I was having a ton of back pain and some like muscle separation. I think there’s I don’t know the technical it’s like diastasis recti, I believe. But I found an app rehab course that was fantastic.

And it was a course that went through all the fundamental aspects of getting your AB healed post pregnancy. So very specific type of transformation, not just a get six pack ABS type. Of course it was. How do you go from anywhere from six to eight weeks postpartum all the way to this woman? Her name is Nancy Anderson.

She’s a fantastic trainer. If you’re looking for that, definitely worth looking her up. She has the thing where she’s like once postpartum, always postpartum. So her ad rehab courses for anybody who has been pregnant and is looking to rehab their ABS and the transformations is healing the muscle separation, healing your pelvic floor, getting your core strength back, your posture. I mean, all these different elements.

But the way she teaches it is in course format because that is the most efficient and also thorough way of her conveying the full information that she needs to get to you so that you can make the full transformation as a student versus something like the next offer idea, which I have, which is an ebook. So that specific program, the AB rehab program, wouldn’t be as thorough if it were an ebook format. 

It needed to have more of the visual components and more of the other elements that she includes in the course. Something like an ebook is great if you don’t need to convey something through video and heavy visuals, and you can do that simply through photography and then just the written word. I do want to throw in there though, that if you are going to go the route of an ebook, it also is super helpful to have an audiobook format simply because so many people are audio listeners these days and audio learners.

Unfortunately, reading has taken a back seat to a lot of other types of media formats. That’s not to say that ebooks don’t still work, but they’re definitely not as popular as they were even just a few years ago. But they can still be really great. So for instance, if you had a recipe book that contained recipes that help someone get their best looking skin, like maybe smoothie recipes. This is where the experts need to be putting together this information because if you have a series of recipes that you like, these are recipes that really ensure you get great glowing skin.

It helps heal your inflammation that leads to redness or whatever the case is, recipes go really well in an ebook format because it’s just like a digital cookbook. So consider, is your content format fit for something that can be purely text based? And if so, an ebook is a great option. All right, idea number four. We have digital download.

So technically an ebook is a digital download, but I’m using the context of digital download to be a little bit more short form. So think something like a quick tutorial or a guide or protocols or templates. So one example would be I actually have a client who, as part of their larger certification program, there’s inclusion of their various treatment protocols inside of that membership. Is it a membership or a course? I think they just switched it to a course.

But essentially, instead of having a full blown course, you could just sell your treatment protocols individually as a digital download. That’s always an option. So think of digital downloads as more of a quick hit type of a product versus something like an ebook, which is a little bit more robust. You could also have quick tutorials, maybe. And honestly, sometimes people will pay for digital download that is no longer than the length of a blog post.

So I’ve bought digital downloads before on people’s like top product lists, where they sell for a few dollars. Here are my top products for XYZ Outcome, whatever that is for you, whether it’s like my top makeup product lists for a glam makeup look or a neutral glam or a neutral makeup look. I mean, you can get super creative with digital downloads and make them bite size, take assets you already have and template them and turn that into a product. Then you’ve got offer idea number five. A membership.

So memberships are definitely more of an undertaking in terms of a digital product based business, because membership requires a bit of an ongoing element. So when I talk about passive memberships definitely are not as passive as some of these other products that I’ve mentioned thus far. And that’s because you typically will have some element of a community in a membership, or you will have some promise of an ongoing new drip of content. 

Now that’s one thing to mention is if you have a membership and say you have a ton of content that you can be putting in there nothing says that you can’t create this large library of content that you then drop into the membership and give people access to based on whenever they signed up. So, for instance, me being in the digital marketing space, I will sometimes sign up for memberships on marketing prompts or marketing templates.

And the people who have these memberships, they will have a year’s worth of content batched. But when I sign up as the member, I’m not getting the full access to the entirety of their library. Instead, what they’re doing on the back end is dripping out one month to me at a time. 

And that’s what’s keeping me in the membership, because if they just gave it to me all at once, I could just take all that information and then be done after a month. This is where you get into the nuance of the details of your offer, and I’ll talk about that towards the end of the episode.

But just keep in mind that a membership is by no means a passive type of digital product. However, it can be highly lucrative. We are a consumer base that is understanding of memberships. We’ve got memberships to Netflix and Amazon into Costco, and pretty much everything can be membership based and subscription based these days. However, that’s also a little bit of the catch 22.

When you have a membership, those are often the first things that people look at when they’re looking at their business expenses or their revenue or just things that they’re spending on. They go, okay, do I have a recurring monthly cost via a membership that I could cut? It’s one of the first things that people tend to look at in terms of getting rid of something. 

So memberships do require a lot of upkeep in terms of keeping membership churn down. Churn is what’s referred to as when you lose members and then you’ve got to refill that bucket with new members.

It’s actually a really big problem that Netflix is currently having. They are losing more members than they are gaining, so the churn rate is very high right now, which is a problem for Netflix that they need to solve, but that goes for any type of membership. 

Alright, now let’s go to offer idea number six, coaching or consulting. And keep in mind, coaching or consulting can be on an individual basis or group basis. So maybe you’re training other people on your expertise.

Maybe you’re teaching people how to build a wildly successful yoga studio and that’s because you’ve done it. Or maybe you’re going to teach consumers how to do whatever you have your expertise in. So for instance, maybe you’re going to do coaching around mindfulness and mindset and mental health and not something you’re going to do a group coaching on a group coaching program on. 

You could also be doing consulting with other businesses, other brands. And while you could do that on a group or an individual basis, you can then notice where that becomes a lot harder to do passively because they’re expecting you as the coach or the consultant to be really engaged and live.

So with that, you just want to keep in mind what the format is, what kind of impact you’re looking to make, and what you can feasibly do with the time that you have in your bandwidth. Because that’s a lot more involved coaching and consulting than creating ebooks. But creating ebooks may not actually be what you want to do. So you have to keep that in mind. And I’m going to go over some questions for consideration at the end.

All right. Offer idea number seven, a time based challenge. So this is kind of like a workshop in the sense that it can go evergreen once you’ve done it the first time around, because then you’ll have the content and you can kind of just rinse and repeat it. So an example of a challenge would be a 30 day slim down challenge. That’s actually a program that I bought alongside the app rehab course that I was mentioning from Nancy Anderson.

She does a 30 day slim down challenge and she does it at specific live intervals throughout the year. I don’t believe you can just buy it whenever you want and start it on your own, although she certainly could do that. But she does it in these live events to help build up promotional hype around it. Because if it’s a live type of event, she has community, that’s all doing the challenge at the same time. But that time based challenge, she already has the content that goes into the program, the 30 day slim down.

And I did it in accordance with her app rehab. She often sells those two products together, and that’s just a little side tip on cross selling. If you have multiple digital products, you can sell them together, especially if they make sense to sell together. But you can have that going in a live group. Or she could just be selling that on her own.

So if you do a challenge once you’ve got that in your back pocket, if you’ve created the content. Another idea could be a 14 day Gua Sha challenge that you do. If that’s your expertise and you want to get people buying more of your products related to Gua Sha, as well as positioning yourself as an expert in that realm, a 14 day challenge is a great way to get people into your community, learning from you, buying your buying your materials. Alright, let’s see. Number eight, community or individual access.

So this is often something that gets paired with things like coaching or consulting, where you’ve got access to a community or to the coach themselves. Especially if you’re in a group setting. Maybe you get some additional one on one calls, like I’m in a mastermind currently where I have access to monthly trainings. There’s also a community element, but then once a month I get a one on one call with the coach. I also get voxer access to the coach.

So there’s a lot of different ways that you can let people be accessible to you and your time and your brain and your skills and expertise. It doesn’t have to be a full blown mastermind or group coaching container or anything of that sort. You could just provide community or individual access. So let’s say you are. I’ll run with that example of you’re teaching people how to build successful yoga studios like Brick and Mortar Yoga Studios.

You might have a course that includes community access, but maybe someone wants more individual access to you. You could sell purely individual voxer access. So, hey, for 30 days, you’ve got me in your back pocket. You’ve got access to my Voxer, which, if you’re not familiar with what Voxer is, it’s like a walkie talkie app through your computer or your phone. And you have voice memo access to whoever has your Voxer name.

So it is essentially just a walkie talkie via your phone. And I use it all the time. It’s an awesome tool and it’s a great way to let someone have access to you as the expert, but also not have it be super high touch in the sense that you’ve got to book calls and you’ve got to be on screen at a certain time. There can be set expectations around. Hey, you have Voxer access to me for 30 days.

For 30 days, you can send me any questions you have. I can help guide you through this thing you’re working towards. I can serve as your accountability coach, and you can send me messages Monday through Friday, up to five minutes long, and I will respond to you within 24 hours. You have to put some boundaries and parameters around containers like that in terms of community or individual access. 

But those can absolutely be standalone products that somebody would be looking for if they’re just looking for someone to bounce ideas off of or be an accountability coach, or to get their questions answered specifically without being totally on their own in a course that doesn’t involve any live feedback.

Right. Okay. Offer idea number nine events. So conferences, summits, retreats. This is definitely very community based, so it helps to have some sort of a community already built to a certain extent in order to do this type of offer and keep in mind things like conferences, summits and retreats.

Yes, those can absolutely be in person. That’s what for a very long time we consider to be solely in person type of events, but they can also be completely virtual. And we’ve definitely seen that over the course of the last couple of years is that conferences, summits and retreats can 100% be conducted virtually. So if having that live element where there’s a lot of that energy, people are in attendance at the same time. And this also, again, can be a great way to create content that then gets used on an evergreen basis later on down the line.

That’s getting into more of an advanced strategy when you take something that is produced in a live format and then you’re repurposing it into an evergreen product. And if you’re interested in that as a topic itself, let me know. But an event can be the offer that you’re looking to sell. Alright, offer idea number ten. Final one on my list is an app or a software.

Now keep in mind, this one is definitely more labor intensive. Obviously, creating an entire software product or something of that nature is going to be quite the undertaking. But there are plenty of people who have done it where they look at a problem that they had, say, in their in person brick and mortar location and they go, you know what? I can do it better. Or there’s this thing that I’ve always wondered, why doesn’t this exist?

Well, I’m going to create the software that does it. There’s tons of people who have created software out of just fixing their own problems. So that might be something that you decide to do. Also, apps. There are so many sites out there now that allow you to create an app, like, so easily.

Apps used to be something I remember in College. That was when the iPhone. I’m kind of dating myself here when I say the iPhone came out my sophomore year of College, sophomore, junior year. And the iPhone is completely app based. So apps became the hot rage of, like, oh, apps app development.

If you wanted an app anywhere between the years of 2009 to probably 2018, not that long ago, you had to get an app custom coded, custom developed. We’re talking, like, so much money invested in getting your own app and then hoping that it would work and making sure you do the work, that it would actually get utilized. 

So that was definitely a huge risk to build your own app, like, anytime before 2018. And then finally, technology kind of caught up. And now there are tons of software programs that help facilitate creators to build out apps for their membership communities or their digital courses.

I actually just signed up for a I guess you would call her a personal trainer. She does, like, weekly at home workouts. She puts five new ones up a week, and it’s all based on her personal app. And I like that because it’s super accessible. I need things like on the go, and I need things that I can just have in my back pocket, literally, and pull out and just do wherever I’m at.

So an app could be a route for you. If you’re looking to do something where your audience is very on the go, need inconvenience. They don’t want to have to log into some clunky site or navigate through a ton of material just to get to what they’re looking for. They just want an easy app that they can access and get to the information quickly. All right, so quick recap of the ten offer ideas.

A workshop, a course, ebook, audiobook. Digital download, a membership, coaching and consulting. A time based challenge, community or individual access. An event like a conference, a summit or a retreat. And then software or an app.

So these are the top ten. There are definitely more than that, but those are like the core ten formats that I can think of that I’ve either personally created, personally worked on with clients and have bought myself. So there’s a million different ways that you can structure an offer. As you can see here now, more than one couple of final notes to wrap up on. You may have noticed that as I was reading all those offer ideas that I would say, oh, and if you have a membership, maybe there’s a community.

Oftentimes these offer ideas get grouped together to create an element of a hybrid. So you have a membership that also includes coaching or a course that also includes a Facebook community. Or you are offering a workshop that maybe you utilize an ebook as a bonus to the workshop. So this is where it becomes super important to have an offer strategy because you may have an idea floating around in your head where you’re like, well, I want to teach people to do XYZ. Okay, great.

How are you going to do that? I’m going to do a membership. Okay. How’s that membership going to be structured? Are you dripping out weekly lessons?

Is it once a month people get access to a new group of lessons? How is this strategically being structured to get people the results that you want them to get? So when you break your offer down into those specific type of things, beyond just saying, here’s what I want to teach people, and here is the offer format I’m going to go with. You need to have a fully conceptualized offer strategy that maps out your minimum viable product. And your minimum viable product is that thing that you can initially launch with that people will buy.

And just as a side note, if you’re wondering if anybody is going to buy it, the best way to do that minimal viable product confirmation is by putting together your offer strategy and then pitching it to people who are your hottest or warm leads, who you already have, that you’ve acquired through some audience building, who you can pre sell your product to. 

So just as a quick example, let’s say you have a course that you want to sell. You would map out what that course would entail, what would be included, what the transformation is, what the benefits are of someone joining that course. You would pitch that essentially the outline and the map of the course to your hot leads. You would say, if this is of interest to you, I’m selling it now for I’m just going to throw out random numbers here, but I’m selling it now for $100.

And when I launch it in a month, it will be $200. And you can say you have a week to get it at the $100 price point, right? This will help you gauge if no one buys it. Well, you don’t have to create it. Maybe it wasn’t the right product.

Maybe you can look at who clicked on the email where you gave them the opportunity to get it at the presale price. And you asked them and say, hey, why didn’t you purchase this? I’m interested in creating this product, but I’m not going to create it. If people are interested, what would you need in order to buy this? This is where audience serving and also really understanding what your audience wants and who you want to serve is super important.

Because if you do this pre selling process and no one’s buying, well, maybe you need to go back to the offer and restructure it a bit because maybe what you’re trying to offer isn’t exactly what your audience needs. Now, on the flip side of that, you could present an offer that goes like gangbusters. And this actually was my personal experience with a digital product I developed a few years ago. Now that I no longer sell, I had an idea for a product and I was like, I can’t tell if this is just an idea. I think it’s good.

I’ve had maybe a couple of people say that they would love to have a product like this, but not enough to warrant building it out because it was going to take me quite a bit of time. And so I emailed my audience and said, hey, this is something I’m thinking of creating. Would you be interested? And if so, this is the price I would sell it to you at and you would have to wait a couple of months until it was available. Click here if you want it.

And I got more than enough sales to tell me that, yes, people did want this product. And I also got a nice little bit of cash collected that helped me actually build the product out itself. So it helped me purchase the course hosting platform and it helped me just get some more of the materials that I needed to actually build out the product. 

So in a way, it kind of was the seed money for the product itself. So pre selling can be a really powerful tool to make sure that you’re not wasting time, energy, or a lot of resources on something that when you go to launch it, you’re in the dark as to whether it’s actually going to sell.

However, if you have a really clear idea of who your audience is, what they need, what they want, how you can best help them, and how you’re going to structure this transformation you’re going to help them make, you can absolutely just go ahead on working. You have to know your personal expertise. This is where having offer strategy is a really helpful thing. Okay. And then the last thing that I just want to mention because I feel like this does not get talked enough.

In the realm of digital marketing, creating online business assets, make sure that you choose a digital offer that’s going to be in best service of you as well as your audience. I know for me, I will never, ever create my own membership. It’s so much work that I don’t want to do. It’s not conducive to my lifestyle, my goals.

It’s just not for me. Actually, I just worked with a client who has an amazing membership. She has a membership program that is essentially live study groups for marriage and family therapists who are looking to get licensed, which is a very difficult process. To get licensed, you have to pass a very hard exam. So she has a membership community that involves resources, study materials, as well as live study groups that she conducts on a weekly basis.

It takes a lot of energy and a lot of resources for her to run this membership, but it’s the membership itself that’s not only the best service to her people that she’s trying to serve and make an impact with, but it’s what she truly loves to do. And she also has a team that helps her facilitate these live study sessions. 

But the membership works for her because it fits her goals that she has for her business, the impact that she wants to make and it fits with her lifestyle. Something that you see other people doing. If you see other people doing memberships and you’re like, oh, I could do that or a digital course and you think, oh, I could create a course.

Maybe you don’t need a full blown course. Maybe you just need to do a workshop to start. So look at these offers and zero in on what is going to be in best service of not just your audience member, the person that you’re trying to create the result and the transformation for, but what’s in best service to you at this point of your digital online business journey, as well as where you’re looking to go in the future, you can always work yourself up to one of the bigger offer ideas, like a membership, like an event or an app or a software. But typically that’s not where people start. So consider where you are and where you’re going and then you can make the choice from there.

Alright, thank you for joining me for episode three. I feel like this was a longer one, but hopefully you got some good Nuggets of inspiration in there. Maybe it got the wheels turning on what you could create if you’re not clear on that already. Or maybe it helped validate that. Yes, this idea you had in your head is what you want to do no matter what.

If you are needing some assistance in the realm of offer strategy and you want to have someone to kind of work it out with you and maybe map it out with you, maybe you have an initial idea, but you’re not quite sure how to structure it. What to include in your offer. 

Go ahead and go to my contact page on my website studio clary.com contact send me a message and let’s talk because I do one off strategy sessions and we can focus a strategy session solely on crafting a strategy for your offer and mapping your offer out from A to Z. I have specific tools that I use to do this and processes that I use to do this. I’m also certified in offer strategy so I can assure you that I know what I’m talking about.

I’ve also worked on a number of different offers over the years so every single one of these offer ideas that I have on here with the exception of apps and software I have built a funnel and helped structure and strategize an offer for each one of those with the exception of apps or software and maybe one day I will get to do that for an app or software, maybe that’s no matter what I would love to work with you if you are needing more support in that realm of offer strategy and hopefully I will talk to you soon. 


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